يعد من افضل برامج تشغيل الفيديو والصوتيات فى احدث اصداراتة بتاريخ اليوم
No need to install codecs separately! Try one of your broken AVI files or one of the files that is being downloaded with GOM.
GOM Player supports most popular codecs (AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX plus many more) with its own embedded codec system that you won't have to look for appropriate codecs everytime you can't play a certain video format. For those codecs that require a license that cannot be distributed, GOM will automatically lead you to an open-source codec web-site.
Watch video files while you are downloading them! GOM has a registered patent for playing broken AVI files and files that are still being downloaded. So try one of your broken AVI files or one that you are downloading right now. You'll find it amazing!
GOM is a FREE media player with popular audio & video codecs built-in.
الحجـم : 5 ميجـــا
للتحميــل اختـار سرفر واحد
http://www.short5.com/7759 شاهدوا كل جديد من خلال موقعنا
www.aboasala.hooxs.com وأذكروا الله كثيرا الا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب